Meteorology homepage Current Weather at the Dr. Eugene Chermack
Surface Weather Station at SUNY Oswego

Pressure, temperature, and humidity data

                                          ---------- 10-meter --------   -------------- 2-meter -----------------
Year    mnth   day  hh    mm     ss       TT TTmax TTmin RH Rhmax RHmin TT TTmax TTmin RH Rhmax RHmin Td Tdmax Tdmin

-sfc pressure --- 10-meter --- -- Visibility--
PP PPmax PPmin Tch Tchmax Tchmin Vis Vismax Vismin Current_weather

-- Ground -- --- Precipitation ----
Tg Tgmax Tgmin Vr_daily Vr_month Vr_year


Wind data

Year   mnth   day   hh    mm     ss       ff    dd

Time [Local Time: 24 hour], Temperatures [F], RH [%], Pressure [hPa], Visibility [feet], and Precipitation [Inches]

Max & min values for TT_2m and TT_10m, Tch_2m, RH, PP, and Visibility are over last hour

Max & min values for ground temperature Tg are over the last 24 hours

Meteorological wind direction dd [degrees], Wind Speed ff [mph]; winds are instantaneous values