Brandon Druschel's Work Site for CSC 416 - Artificial Intelligence I

Welcome to my CSC 416 web site! Here you can find various content relating to the Artificial Intelligence I course that was taught by Craig Graci in Fall 2018. This includes documents and programs by myself, as well as some external resources, pertaining to AI and Lisp programming, that you may find helpful.

You'll find that the External Resources section of this page is divided into two sections; Elaboration and Enrichment. The former will reference items that pertain to the technical content of the course. The latter will point to interesting items that are less technical in nature, like TED talks or YouTube videos or magazine articles.

About Me

I (Brandon Druschel) am a senior Computer Science student that is enrolled in SUNY Oswego. I'm currently working on a Bachelor of Science degree, because I think that would be a more rewarding degree than a Bachelor of Arts.

I decided to take CSC 416 as it seemed like a suitable introductory course for learning about AI. I also believe that further exposure to the Lisp programming language in itself would be an extremely valuable learning experience.

Course Assignments:

External Resources:



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