Assignment 4B: MineSweeper (Version B)

Assingment 4B — Mine Sweeper app version B is the second version of the Android app based on the puzzle game "Minesweeper".

In a similar fashion to the previous build, Version B presents a grid of TextViews, except they are now represented as Tile objects. The user can enter three numbers into three EditTexts, representing rows, columns, and mines that will make up the grid. The user then clicks Build Grid to activate the buildGame method, which generates the grid.

This is what the application looks like on startup.

Here, the user can enter the number of rows, colums, and mines they want in their game.

The app will then display a grid of Tile objects in the specified number of rows and columns.

For now, this is what each Tile displays when the user clicks on them. Note: The grid generated in this screenshot is different from the grid in the above picture.

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