Assignment 4C: MineSweeper (Version C)

Assignment 4C — MineSweeper app version C is the final version of the Android app based on the puzzle game "Minesweeper".

This version provides a fully working grid, generated by the user's input for the amount of rows, columns, and mines that they would like to have. Each Tile object now behaves differently depending on what Tile is being clicked and where.

Mines are represented with '1', while the safe Tiles are represented with '0'. If a mine is clicked, a mine graphic is revealed and an explosion sound plays, which indicates that the player lost. A 'click' sound is played when a safe Tile is clicked.

This is what the application looks like on startup. This activity is accompanied by some tasteful drum n' bass music.

Here, the user can enter the number of rows, colums, and mines they want in their game.

The app will then display a grid of Tile objects with the specified number of rows, columns and mines.

This is what each Tile displays when the user clicks on them. Mines will display a graphic and play an 'explosion' sound effect. Every other Tile behaves as one would expect in a MineSweeper game, and a distinct 'click' sound is played.

Note: In this screenshot, the top-left '0' tile and two of the '1' Tiles were clicked.

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