Assignment 5D: Vocabulary List (Version D)

Assignment 5D — vocabulary app version 4 maintains the same core functionality as the previous version, but this time the app is capable of reading an XML across the internet.

The app makes use of <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"> in AndroidManifest.xml in order to grant the app permission to use the internet. is a new class that is used to parse words-and-defs.xml, which is located in the root of the public_html directory — where my webpages and image files are stored.

On startup, the app begins loading the list of words and their definitions from the .xml by connecting directly to

Once loading is complete, the app displays the list of vocabulary words.

Just like the previous version — selecting a word from the list displays that word, as well as its lexical category and definition, in a large font. Selecting the Back button will return the user to the vocabulary list.

Just like the previous version — after the user selects Back and the program has been sent back to the word list, a Toast will be displayed, confirming that the definition of the selected word was successfully displayed.

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