HCI 530 - Learning, Design, and Technology

With Dr. Gi Woong Choi

A seminar course that reviewed literature on learning sciences and technologies, with discussions that intersected with human computer interaction (HCI).
We wrote some reflections papers based on reading assignments and did some classroom activities.
Each student had to do a teaching lecture for two chapters from the textbooks (or e-text) required for the class.
I did a lecture on Chapter 5 - "Mind and Brain" from How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition (2000).
I also did a lecture on the "Culture and Context" chapter from How People Learn II: Learners, Contexts, and Cultures (2018).
We did a group assignment and field study with an educational theme. Laker Beacons at the present time is just an idea but we took pictures near our campus and made designs for a possible application.
Gaetano Bruscino, Anna Shannon, Khairunisa Sharif, and myself were in this group.
Below are my Field Study Notes, Powerpoints (for my lectures and field study), reference list of educational games, and Final Paper (a reflection collage essay) .

Selections of Work from Class

"Mind and Brain" Lecture Images

"Context and Culture" Powerpoint

Educational Game Titles and Examples

Final Paper (Reflection Collage)

My Field Study Notes (April 7, 2019)

Field Study Presentation (PDF)

"Laker Beacons" Powerpoint

"Laker Beacons" Project Paper

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