Reverse Engeering a Database

Here is a link to another Relationship table made for my Information Science Course...

For this assignment, my class was asked to recreate and correct the relationships between tables about housing, renting, owners, agents and clients ("Dream Homes").

Some relationships are "one to one" or "many to many." A large number of the relationships in the file are "one to many."

There a few branch numbers. A branch can have several properties for rent. A branch can have many people in the staff. A staff member can have many registrations.

A lot of clients can go view the housing. Clients can view more than one property for rent. A pivate owner can have more than one piece of property for rent.

Most of these tables in this access file are based off information T.Connolly, C.Bigg Database Systems 4th Ed. Addison Wesley (2005).

I created these tables with the help of a Windows Program called "ACCESS" (the program will be needed to open the file).

  • Entity-Relationship Diagrams
  • My Web Page