List of Labs
Inside here we have the list of all of the class I am taking this year
- Class 1: Programming Languages
- Class 2: Data Analytics
- Class 3: Health and Information Systems
- Class 4: HyperMedia
- Class 5: Computer Organization and Programming
The About, Apps, Media, and the Form section
This is an exterior link to google
- About
- Apps
- Media
- Form
The About section is this current section right here. This section will give you information about what labs were done this year and also what the other sections (Apps and Media) are all about.
If you click on the App section, it will take you to a guessing game. The guessing game is a game where the computer picks a random number between 1-1000 and you have to guess what the number is. Try to guess it in as few tries as possible or else the computer may have some harsh comments, making fun of how many guesses you have had without getting the number. It will also take you to who wants to be a millionaire. Have fun playing!!
This section takes you to the 6 pictures that were taken of Oswego on my very own phone, plus my 2 graphic ID's. I hope you like them!!!
This section takes in information from the user and returns it in a php form