Josh "The Darkness" Harkness

Second Degree Form

Database Visual

This project is meant to digitize a second degree form for SUNY Oswego. The form populates itself based on the major and student ID provided on the opening page. The form will contain the different classes the major may require and provide a means to plan out the students path towards completing the second degree. The form will still require staff assistance, because it does not cover which courses are part of a track. Once the form is submitted, the classes for the second major will be placed into student class history tables for future consultation. The student will be able to update the form as they progress through the program, with the updates being submitted to the history tables. The following ID's will work: 111111111, 123123123, 123456789, 321321321, 987654321, 999999999.

  1. Second Degree Form

    This is the link to the form itself.

  2. PHP for listing core classes

    This php looks into the Core table for the major the student selected on the opening page if the student does not already have a second major. It then grabs all of the core classes that fit that semester and places them into the first cell of a table created by a for loop. The class is then compared to the student's previous degree to see if the class could have been taken as part of the previous degree already. If it's listed as a possible requirement for the previous major, the semester list selects "Winter" and the taken list selects "Yes" to make it more obvious it was likely taken in the previous degree. Otherwise, the semester list asks for a semester for future planning and the taken list shows "No".

  3. PHP for listing elective classes

    This php looks into the Elective table for the major the student selected on the opening page if the student does not already have a second major. It then grabs all of the elective classes that fit that semester and places them into the first cell of a table created by a for loop. The class is then compared to the student's previous degree to see if the class could have been taken as part of the previous degree already. If it's listed as a possible requirement for the previous major, the semester list selects "Winter" and the taken list selects "Yes" to make it more obvious it was likely taken in the previous degree. Otherwise, the semester list asks for a semester for future planning and the taken list shows "No".

  4. PHP for listing cognate classes

    This php looks into the Cognate table for the major the student selected on the opening page if the student does not already have a second major. It then grabs all of the cognate classes that fit that semester and places them into the first cell of a table created by a for loop. The class is then compared to the student's previous degree to see if the class could have been taken as part of the previous degree already. If it's listed as a possible requirement for the previous major, the semester list selects "Winter" and the taken list selects "Yes" to make it more obvious it was likely taken in the previous degree. Otherwise, the semester list asks for a semester for future planning and the taken list shows "No".

  5. PHP for updating the database after submission

    Update_Course_History contains two functions. The first function will add the student's ID to the three history tables and add each class with its respecive semester and whether or not it was taken. The second function updates an already existing second degree form. Inside this php, it checks to see if the second major picked matches the second degree in the degree table. If not, it will use the first function. If so, it will use the second.

  6. PHP for connecting to database

    This is the php that contains the connection to the server.

  7. PHP and HTML used to generate form

    06.php contains the html used to generate the form. Witin each class type header, php is used to call the functions from either the list future classes or list history classes. The functions generate the html that allows the user to interact with the database.

  8. PHP and HTML for entering into the form

    This "login" page requires the user to enter a major that either matches their current second major or any second major if they don't already have a second major. The user is also required to enter a valid student ID. The number the student enters has to be a 9 digit number.

  9. PHP for creating an array of all previously taken classes

    This document generates a list of classes that were likely taken by the student in their previous major by using the student's ID to check find their previous major in the Degree table. It then uses this major to pick the proper classes from the Core, Elective, and Cognate tables.

  10. PHP for finding the core classes in student's history

    This php looks into the CoreHistory table for the student's second major. It then grabs all of the core classes attributes and places them into the respective cells.

  11. PHP for finding the elective classes in student's history

    This php looks into the ElectiveHistory table for the student's second major. It then grabs all of the core classes attributes and places them into the respective cells.

  12. PHP for finding the cognate classes in student's history

    This php looks into the CognateHistory table for the student's second major. It then grabs all of the core classes attributes and places them into the respective cells.