• Base Number Systems
  • Binary numbers use only "0" and "1" when stating a number or a code. "0" and "1" can be on/off markings or codes in computers. Similar to aliens or someone using two numbers instead of 10 to count... When using numbers 0-9, they are in Base 10 When using numbers 0 and 1, they are in Base 2

    Converting from Base 10 into Binary or Base 2, subtract the next largest number not greater than Base 10 number and mark with a "1." Do the same for the next value.

    If (for example) the value is no longer greater than 16 or another value, mark it with a zero.

    Values not used become a "0."

    Converting from Base 2 to Base 10 involves adding the values using the number "1."

    The values under the number "0" equal zero.

    Octal or Base 8 use numbers 0-7.

    Hex or Base 16 use numbers 0-9 and the first six letters of the American alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, and F).

    (Information based off ISC and CSC class lessons from SUNY Oswego.)


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