WUNSCHPUNSCH - A Fan's Project


  • The official website of Michael Ende — Now available in English! This is a link in English for information about Michael Ende's books, including The Neverending Story, Momo, and Night of Wishes. The older novels about "Jim Button" are also mentioned. It is also in German.
  • TV Tropes - Wunschpunsch TV Tropes English webpage for the Wunschpunsch Cartoon.
  • TV Tropes - Night of Wishes TV Tropes English webpage for Micael Ende's novel, Night of Wishes.
  • Wikipedia - Wunschpunsch Wikipedia Page for the Wunschpunsch Cartoon.
  • Wikipedia - Night of Wishes Wikipedia Page for Michael Ende's novel, Night of Wishes.
  • Amazon Copies of the novel in English are limited (or described as "used"). DVDs are even more difficult to find (or even available). But Amazon is one of the places to shop.
  • ...I would usually say "Please support the official release." And if you can support your favorite artists and writters, please do!
    But since the English Dub of the TV program had a limited release, the stress may saved for something else (i.e. the original novel).
    Here is a link to YOUTUBE.
    Videos in different languages should be available.
    Along with episodes, there are videos of the opening credits (i.e. English, German, instrumental).

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