ISC 496 Information Science Capstone

ISC 496 Section 800 Fall 2018, with Instructor R. Odendahl

Heather Rohr's coursework for ISC 496

Tasks and Assignments

Click on a link below to look at my homework assignments

  1. Task #1 - My Web Page (Link Returns to Main Page)


Solo Project #1 for Information Science Capstone
  1. Website Overview: (English Version)
I Love Coffee is a website ran by Ryoko Iwata , a Japanese woman whom a decade ago moved to Seattle and learned the jittery joy of drinking coffee. The website is in Japanese and English.
Her website has a collection of articles, infographics, facts, quizzes, and other fun visual stuff about Coffee.
Ryoko is a colleague of Matt Inman, the artist, writer, and coder known as The Oatmeal; he also lives in Seattle. If you were a student at SUNY Oswego and took a class with Damian Schofield, you might have looked at the article or web comic about the Mantis Shrimp.
Ryoko also does webpages for Sushi, Animals, and Saunas. *
* The Sauna link is visible when visiting her Coffee site on a mobile device, however it seems to be available in Japanese at the moment.
Some of her articles were printed in her 2015 book, Coffee Gives Me Superpowers: An Illustrated Book about the Most Awesome Beverage on Earth (for sale on Amazon).
For the class I would show off Ryoko's website, some of the design, and a little bit of HTML coding presented in the "page source." I may mention Fitts's Law (just a little).

Powerpoint File with Images of the website


Disclaimer: Group Project #1 involved the use of sqlite from each student in a group. Files in grouparamis folder may not open correctly.


Notes for Group Project #2 (Project #3) -
BARK Database
*The real BARK Database project is on another domain.


Solo Project #2, overall Project #4 for Information Science Capstone -ISC496

TASK: Write a paper with rationallity and defined terms which :
    Present the invention (or implementation of an idea, etc.) to date Present the invention (or implementation of an idea, etc.) in the future

This solo project is by Heather Rohr.

Invention: the Automobile


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