WUNSCHPUNSCH - A Fan's Project



Tyrannia Vampirella is a witch who is very good with money and modern technology. Although she is the elder in the family, she acts and looks more youthful than her nephew, Bubonic.
In the TV program she is very close to her pet raven, Jacob. She also serves meals to the pet cat, Mauricio. She treats the pets better than the neighbors. She wears a variety of outfits.
In the TV program, she is unaware of what the pets do whenever a spell is casted.
In the novel, Auntie Tye is a lot more evil and doesn't care about the safety of her pets. As a parent substitute, she is very upset her nephew refuses to sell his half of the magically parchment.
She raised her nephew after his parents died in a terrible shipwreck (that they were responsible for). Her teeth were made of gold.
She owns the first half of the magic parchment.

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