Justin Cesarini WebPage

Javascript Games

do you want to play a guessing game?

Im thinking of a number between 1 and 1000 try and guess it!!

Your guesses

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

How to Play:

As you answer questions correctly, you get more money, You can back out at anytime by just replying with the word STOP and you will keep the amount of money you have at that question. BUT if you answer a quesion wrong you lose, and you only win the amount of money at the checkpoint that you reached.


You are allowed 3 lifelines. The lifelines are 50/50, ask the audience, or double chance.
- 50/50 takes away 2 wrong answers,
- ask the audience gives you the percentage of the audience that chose each answer,
- double chance allows you to pick 2 answers.
REMEMBER once you use a lifeline, you cannot use it again for the rest of the game.